Calendar Manager

Offline, Local, Non-Cloud, Private

Providing solutions for your most valueable data in your hands. Staying above the clouds.

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Android Offline Calendar Manager

There are many reasons, why Android users wouldn’t want their data stored in a cloud service – privacy, company policy, a Google-phobic attitude, just to name a few.

However, as soon as you setup a Google account on your device (which is mandatory to access the Google Play Store), Android creates a fully-synced Google calendar account for you. Switching off the calendar synchronization in the Android settings results in your calendar being disabled and thus invisible. Now, where can you store your appointments shielded from cloud services?

The problem doesn’t arise when it comes to contacts management, since Android ships with a built-in local contacts account that you can use. On most devices it is simply called “Phone” and co-exists with the Google-account-contacts. However, Android does not provide one or more built-in local calendar accounts for your sensitive information.

The App

Calendar Manager allows you to create and delete multiple local calendars which will never be synced to any online storage, since the sync adapters cannot access the calendars’ data. Your data simply remains offline.

What about compatibility?

Calendar Manager relies on the native Android calendar storage interface. Most calendar apps from the Play Store do as well, when they display, edit or delete events. Just continue to use your favorite calendar app – it will offer you the new local calendar to place events into.

For calendar and contatcs synchronization with your desktop PC we recommend using MyPhoneExplorer which nicely integrates with Thunderbird/Lightning or Microsoft Outlook and is an excellent freeware solution.

Calendar Manager was written for Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich) and will not run on Android versions 2.x or 3.x.


Get the latest version of Calendar Manager free by clicking below. This will download the *.apk file for you to transfer onto your device and install manually


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